The power of play for ADHD/Autistic children

The power of play for ADHD/Autistic children

The power of play for ADHD/Autistic children   What is play? Play is described in various ways by experts, but there are some key words that seem to be repeated– fun, self-initiated, not motivated by reward, uncertain and non-productive.  When a child was asked...
Why won’t my ADHD teen do simple tasks?

Why won’t my ADHD teen do simple tasks?

Why does my ADHD teen delay and avoid doing simple tasks around the house; it’s causing so many arguments in our family! To us, as parents, it can feel like this is defiance and just being ‘difficult’.  We see the task as simple to do and when our teen ‘just won’t’,...
Why is my ADHD child so hyperactive before bedtime?

Why is my ADHD child so hyperactive before bedtime?

Why does my ADHD child want to jump, spin and crash into things just when I’m trying to get them to settle down to sleep? Understanding your ADHD child’s behaviour is very important, but let’s think about this behaviour in terms of the SENSORY NEEDS of your child...