Support for parents of children with ADHD / Autism

Parent and child sitting in a forest with backs facing the camera with text on screen saying Support for parents of children with ADHD/Autism

Helping parents understand their child’s behaviour through a brain-body lens

We understand the unique challenges that come with raising neurodivergent children, and we are here to offer practical solutions, compassionate guidance, and a supportive community.

At Complex Connexions, our mission is to empower parents with the knowledge and tools they need to create a harmonious and understanding home environment. Our founder, Shelley Farnham, has first-hand experience navigating the complexities of ADHD and Autism within her own family.

This personal journey inspired the creation of opportunities and resources aimed at helping other families thrive.

As featured in

This month’s free resource 

Seeing and Supporting Executive Functions webinar

Executive function skills, which are higher level cognitive skills like attention, organisation and emotion regulation, develop over many years for any child, and for ADHD/Autistic brains this can take longer and look different. When we, as parents, understand why our child/ teen is struggling with these skills, we can help them develop these in a way that supports their self-worth and grows their confidence. 

If you’d like to understand more and explore ways to help your child, you can access my free webinar.

Our services

1-2-1 Parent and Child Support

A personalised online session to explore what is relevant and specific to your family, and to help you feel more confident in responding to your child.

The Safe and Sound

Protocol (SSP)

Music listening therapy which stimulates the vagus nerve and helps the nervous system to become more regulated and less stuck in a fight, flight or freeze response.

Shelley was very generous with the information she shared and passionate about enabling us to problem solve and see change. There were multiple light bulb moments for me. I felt that I was more aware of what was going on beneath the surface for my children and was able to more patient and compassionate. With the information Shelley shared I felt more confident that what I was doing was the right thing. The course exceeded my expectations!



Following the course, I can say that I am a much more understanding and thoughtful parent. I’m better at noticing what’s going on and thinking ahead to prevent stressful situations. My relationship with my daughter has improved which makes me very happy and I am better equipped to help my son when he gets angry. There’s still work to do and I still mess up a lot, but I think I’m getting things right much more often than I used to



I took part in Shelleys course to help me connect better with my kids. I wanted to be a better Mam and to understand them more. Shelley delivered 6 sessions covering connection, understanding and communication which were useful, informative and eye opening. She took us on a journey which meant that we thought about ourselves as well as our children and showed us how to create connection at home. We set ourselves our own tasks at the end of each session so we could see ourselves moving forward.


Complex Connexions will help you to …


Better understand your child’s behaviour through a brain/body lens; know what is driving their behaviour – and your reactions


Develop communication that meets your child’s needs and also allows for fun and connection in your family


Focus on the relationships, creating harmony and the ability to meet the challenges with more calm and collaboration

Complex Connexions will help you to …


Better understand your child’s behaviour through a brain/body lens; know what is driving their behaviour – and your reactions


Develop communication that meets your child’s needs and also allows for fun and connection in your family


Focus on the relationships, creating harmony and the ability to meet the challenges with more calm and collaboration