by Shelley Farnham | Jan 21, 2025 | Primitive reflexes
Let’s talk about what infant reflexes are; how we can identify these movements in our child’s body and the effects this may be having on their other skills Neurodevelopment refers to the development of the brain. But we cannot leave the body out of this – it is...
by Shelley Farnham | Nov 10, 2024 | Conscious parenting
What is conscious parenting? Conscious parenting is about empowering you, as the parent, to make decisions that are best for your child. As a parent, we are bombarded with messages about what we ‘should’ be doing in raising our children and if it sounds like it’s...
by Shelley Farnham | Oct 1, 2024 | Safe and Sound Protocol
What is the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)? The Safe and Sound Protocol is a gentle, music listening therapy, that makes physical changes to the way our ears hear sounds, and our brain processes those sounds, and also stimulates the Vagus Nerve, meaning that our...
by Shelley Farnham | Aug 19, 2024 | ADHD, Autism
The power of play for ADHD/Autistic children What is play? Play is described in various ways by experts, but there are some key words that seem to be repeated– fun, self-initiated, not motivated by reward, uncertain and non-productive. When a child was asked...
by Shelley Farnham | Jun 7, 2024 | ADHD, Anxiety, Autism
What we expect to see As a parent, when we think about our child being anxious, we often think of them looking fearful, holding back, clinging to us, perhaps crying, hiding, running away, etc. Whilst these can absolutely be a clear presentation of anxiety, there are...